For QUAST members: Notification form
- P3Qun Yang, Yongkang Li, Claudia Felser, and Binghai Yan
Chirality-induced spin selectivity and current-driven spin and orbital polarization in chiral crystals,
Newton 1, 100015 (2025). - P3Xia Wang, Mayra Peralta, Xiaodong Li, Paul V. Möllers, Dong Zhou, Patrick Merz, Ulrich Burkhardt, Horst Borrmann, Iñigo Robredo, Chandra Shekhar, Helmut Zacharias, Xinliang Feng, and Claudia Felser
Direct control of electron spin at an intrinsically chiral surface for highly efficient oxygen reduction reaction,
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 122, e2413609122 (2025). - P5Matteo Crispino, Pablo Villar Arribi, Anmol Shukla, Frédéric Hardy, Amir-Abbas Haghighirad, Thomas Wolf, Rolf Heid, Michael Merz, Christoph Meingast, Tommaso Gorni, Adolfo Avella, and Luca de’ Medici
Paradigm for Finding d-Electron Heavy Fermions: The Case of Cr-doped CsFe2As2,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 134, 076504 (2025). - P4Sahal Kaushik, Iñigo Robredo, Nitish Mathur, Leslie M. Schoop, Song Jin, Maia G. Vergniory, and Jennifer Cano
Transport signatures of Fermi arcs at twin boundaries in Weyl materials,
Phys. Rev. B 111, 085133 (2025). - P5Dongjin Oh, Alexander Hampel, Joshua P. Wakefield, Peter Moen, Steef Smit, Xiangyu Luo, Marta Zonno, Sergey Gorovikov, Mats Leandersson, Craig Polley, Asish K. Kundu, Anil Rajapitamahuni, Elio Vescovo, Chris Jozwiak, Aaron Bostwick, Eli Rotenberg, Masahiko Isobe, Manish Verma, Matteo Crispino, Martin Grundner, Fabian B. Kugler, Olivier Parcollet, Ulrich Schollwöck, Hidenori Takagi, Andrea Damascelli, Giorgio Sangiovanni, Joseph G. Checkelsky, Antoine Georges, and Riccardo Comin
Hund flat band in a frustrated spinel oxide,
arXiv preprint: 2502.07234 (2025). - P8E.A. Stepanov, S. Iskakov, M.I. Katsnelson, and A.I. Lichtenstein
Superconductivity of Bad Fermions: Origin of Two Gaps in HTSC Cuprates,
arXiv preprint: 2502.08635 (2025). - P4Hyeonhu Bae, Roser Valentí, Igor I. Mazin, and Binghai Yan
Designing Flat Bands, Localized and Itinerant States in TaS2 Trilayer Heterostructures,
arXiv preprint: 2502.08793 (2025). - P5Daniele Guerci, Giorgio Sangiovanni, Andrew J. Millis, and Michele Fabrizio
Electrical transport in the Hatsugai-Kohmoto model,
Phys. Rev. B 111, 075124 (2025). - P3, P5Manuel Tuniz, Armando Consiglio, Ganesh Pokharel, Fulvio Parmigiani, Titus Neupert, Ronny Thomale, Sandeep Kumar Chaluvadi, Pasquale Orgiani, Giorgio Sangiovanni, Stephen D. Wilson, Ivana Vobornik, Federico Salvador, Federico Cilento, Domenico Di Sante, and Federico Mazzola
Strain-Induced Enhancement of the Charge Density Wave in the Kagome Metal ScV6Sn6,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 134, 066501 (2025). - P7Bianca Schacherl, Michelangelo Tagliavini, Hanna Kaufmann-Heimeshoff, Jörg Göttlicher, Marinella Mazzanti, Karin Popa, Olaf Walter, Tim Pruessmann, Christian Vollmer, Aaron Beck, Ruwini S. K. Ekanayake, Jacob A. Branson, Thomas Neill, David Fellhauer, Cedric Reitz, Dieter Schild, Dominique Brager, Christopher Cahill, Cory Windorff, Thomas Sittel, Harry Ramanantoanina, Maurits W. Haverkort, and Tonya Vitova
Resonant inelastic X-ray scattering tools to count 5 f electrons of actinides and probe bond covalency,
Nature Communications 16, 1221 (2025).Data and code availability
See publication notification for source data of pictures and graphs, input scripts for all calculations and source code for the calculations.
see publication notification
- P3Rohit Prasad, Pratyay Ghosh, Ronny Thomale, and Tobias Huber-Loyola
Reconstruction of quantum states by applying an analytical optimization model,
Phys. Rev. A 111, 022601 (2025). - P1Michael Meixner, Marcel Krämer, Nils Wentzell, Pietro M. Bonetti, Sabine Andergassen, Alessandro Toschi, and Thomas Schäfer
Disentangling real space fluctuations: the diagnostics of metal-insulator transitions beyond single-particle spectral functions,
arXiv preprint: 2501.18325 (2025). - P3Glenn Wagner, Titus Neupert, Ronny Thomale, Andrzej Szczerbakow, Jedrzej Korczak, Tomasz Story, Matthias Bode, and Artem Odobesko
Probing chiral symmetry with a topological domain wall sensor,
Newton 1, 100009 (2025). - P3Nina Bielinski, Rajas Chari, Julian May-Mann, Soyeun Kim, Jack Zwettler, Yujun Deng, Anuva Aishwarya, Subhajit Roychowdhury, Chandra Shekhar, Makoto Hashimoto, Donghui Lu, Jiaqiang Yan, Claudia Felser, Vidya Madhavan, Zhi-Xun Shen, Taylor L. Hughes, and Fahad Mahmood
Floquet–Bloch manipulation of the Dirac gap in a topological antiferromagnet,
Nature Physics (2025): . - P4Axel Fünfhaus, Mikel García-Díez, M. G. Vergniory, Thilo Kopp, Stephen M. Winter, and Roser Valentí
Band representations in Strongly Correlated Settings: The Kitaev Honeycomb Model,
arXiv preprint: 2501.11396 (2025). - P4Amanda A. Konieczna, David A. S. Kaib, Stephen M. Winter, and Roser Valentí
Understanding the microscopic origin of the magnetic interactions in CoNb2O6,
npj Quantum Materials 10, 8 (2025). - P4Gui-Geng Liu, Subhaskar Mandal, Xiang Xi, Qiang Wang, Chiara Devescovi, Antonio Morales-Pérez, Ziyao Wang, Linyun Yang, Rimi Banerjee, Yang Long, Yan Meng, Peiheng Zhou, Zhen Gao, Yidong Chong, Aitzol García-Etxarri, Maia G. Vergniory, Baile Zhang
Photonic axion insulator,
Science 387, 162-166 (2025). - P8Irakli Titvinidze, Julian Stobbe, Alexey N. Rubtsov, and Georg Rohringer
Mean field decoupling of single impurity Anderson model through auxiliary Majorana fermions,
Annals of Physics 474, 169904 (2025). - P8Nicolas Lenzing, David Krüger, and Michael Potthoff
Microscopic theory of spin friction and dissipative spin dynamics,
Phys. Rev. B 111, 014402 (2025).Data and code availability
Data availability:The data are available on reasonable request by the corresponding authors.see publication notification
- P5Wantong Huang, Paul Greule, Máté Stark, Joris van Slageren, Christoph Sürgers, Wolfgang Wernsdorfer, Giorgio Sangiovanni, Christoph Wolf, and Philip Willke
Probing Magnetism in Self-Assembled Organometallic Complexes Using Kondo Spectroscopy,
ACS Nano 19, 1190-1197 (2025). - P5Lennart Klebl, Arne Schobert, Giorgio Sangiovanni, Alexander V. Balatsky, and Tim O. Wehling
Ultrafast pseudomagnetic fields from electron-nuclear quantum geometry,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 134, 016705 (2025). - P6Sujay Ray, Martin Eckstein, and Philipp Werner
Role of phonon coupling in driving photo-excited Mott insulators towards a transient superconducting steady state,
arXiv preprint: 2412.19205 (2024). - P3Francesco Grandi, Michael A. Sentef, Dante M. Kennes, and Ronny Thomale
Theories for charge-driven nematicity in kagome metals,
Phys. Rev. B 110, 245138 (2024).Data and code availability
Data availability:QUAST-funded authors were not directly involved in creating or storing data.
- P7Kevin Ackermann, Kai Arnold, Martin Braß, Charles Cardot, Robert Green, Simon Heinze, Paul Hill, Yi Lu, Sebastian Macke, Marius Retegan, Sina Shokri, Michelangelo Tagliavini, Aleksandrs Zacinskis, and Maurits W. Haverkort
QUANTY, a quantum many-body scripting toolkit,
SciPost (2024).Data and code availability
Data availability:The data are available on reasonable request by the corresponding authors.see publication notification
- P5Ammon Fischer, Lennart Klebl, Valentin Crépel, Siheon Ryee, Angel Rubio, Lede Xian, Tim O. Wehling, Antoine Georges, Dante M. Kennes, and Andrew J. Millis
Theory of intervalley-coherent AFM order and topological superconductivity in tWSe2,
arXiv preprint: 2412.14296 (2024). - P6Kecheng Liu, Takeshi Suzuki, Yigui Zhong, Teruto Kanai, Jiro Itatani, Linda Ye, Maya Martinez, Anisha Singh, Ian R. Fisher, Uwe Bovensiepen, and Kozo Okazaki
Distinct amplitude mode dynamics upon resonant and off-resonant excitation across the charge density wave energy gap in LaTe3 investigated by time- and angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy,
arXiv preprint: 2412.13604 (2024). - P5, P8Niklas Witt, Yusuke Nomura, Sergey Brener, Ryotaro Arita, Alexander I. Lichtenstein, and Tim O. Wehling
Bypassing the lattice BCS–BEC crossover in strongly correlated superconductors through multiorbital physics,
npj Quantum Materials 9, 100 (2024).Data and code availability
Data availability:The data are available on reasonable request by the corresponding authors.see publication notification
- P6Tobias Lojewski, Denis Golež, Katharina Ollefs, Loïc Le Guyader, Lea Kämmerer, Nico Rothenbach, Robin Y. Engel, Piter S. Miedema, Martin Beye, Gheorghe S. Chiuzbăian, Robert Carley, Rafael Gort, Benjamin E. Van Kuiken, Giuseppe Mercurio, Justina Schlappa, Alexander Yaroslavtsev, Andreas Scherz, Florian Döring, Christian David, Heiko Wende, Uwe Bovensiepen, Martin Eckstein, Philipp Werner, and Andrea Eschenlohr
Photoinduced charge transfer renormalization in NiO,
Phys. Rev. B 110, 245120 (2024).Data and code availability
Data availability:Data is available on reasonable request (contact Andrea Eschenlohr and Denis Golez). QUAST-funded authors were not directly involved in creating or storing data.
- P6Tobias Lojewski, Denis Golez, Katharina Ollefs, Loïc Le Guyader, Lea Spieker, Nico Rothenbach, Robin Y. Engel, Piter S. Miedema, Martin Beye, Gheorghe S. Chiuzbaian, Robert Carley, Rafael Gort, Benjamin E. Van Kuiken, Giuseppe Mercurio, Justina Schlappa, Alexander Yaroslavtsev, Andreas Scherz, Florian Döring, Christian David, Heiko Wende, Uwe Bovensiepen, Martin Eckstein, Philipp Werner, and Andrea Eschenlohr
Photo-induced charge-transfer renormalization in NiO,
Phys. Rev. B 110, 245120 (2024). - P6Tobias Lojewski, Loïc Le Guyader, Naman Agarwal, Christine Boeglin, Robert Carley, Andrea Castoldi, Carsten Deiter, Robin Y. Engel, Florian Erdinger, Hans Fangohr, Carlo Fiorini, Natalia Gerasimova, Rafael Gort, Frank de Groot, Karsten Hansen, Steffen Hauf, David Hickin, Manuel Izquierdo, Lea Kämmerer, Benjamin E. Van Kuiken, David Lomidze, Stefano Maffessanti, Laurent Mercadier, Giuseppe Mercurio, Piter S. Miedema, Matthias Pace, Matteo Porro, Javad Rezvani, Nico Rothenbach, Benedikt Rösner, Andrey Samartsev, Justina Schlappa, Christian Stamm, Martin Teichmann, Monica Turcato, Alexander Yaroslavtsev, Florian Döring, Andreas Scherz, Christian David, Martin Beye, Uwe Bovensiepen, Heiko Wende, Andrea Eschenlohr, and Katharina Ollefs
Analysis of long-lived effects in high-repetition-rate stroboscopic transient X-ray absorption experiments on thin films,
arXiv preprint: 2412.05151 (2024). - P3Felix Kurtz, Gevin von Witte, Lukas Jehn, Alp Akbiyik, Igor Vinograd, Matthieu Le Tacon, Amir A. Haghighirad, Dong Chen, Chandra Shekhar, Claudia Felser, and Claus Ropers
Evidence for reduced periodic lattice distortion within the Sb-terminated surface layer of the kagome metal CsV3Sb5,
arXiv preprint: 2412.02599 (2024). - P3, P6Francesco Grandi, Antonio Picano, Ronny Thomale, Dante M. Kennes, and Martin Eckstein
Nonthermal order by nonthermal disorder,
arXiv preprint: 2412.02616 (2024). - P3, P5Chun Lin, Armando Consiglio, Ola Kenji Forslund, Julia Küspert, M. Michael Denner, Hechang Lei, Alex Louat, Matthew D. Watson, Timur K. Kim, Cephise Cacho, Dina Carbone, Mats Leandersson, Craig Polley, Thiagarajan Balasubramanian, Domenico Di Sante, Ronny Thomale, Zurab Guguchia, Giorgio Sangiovanni, Titus Neupert, and Johan Chang
Uniaxial strain tuning of charge modulation and singularity in a kagome superconductor,
Nature Communications 15, 10466 (2024).Data and code availability
See publication notification for collection of raw DFT data used for band structures and Fermi surface plots.
see publication notification
- P1Selina Dirnböck, Seung-Sup B. Lee, Fabian B. Kugler, Sebastian Huber, Jan von Delft, Karsten Held, and Markus Wallerberger
Overcomplete intermediate representation of two-particle Green's functions and its relation to partial spectral functions,
Phys. Rev. Research 6, 043228 (2024).Data and code availability
Data availability:QUAST-funded authors were not directly involved in creating or storing data.
- P3Premakumar Yanda, Leila Noohinejad, Ning Mao, Nikolai Peshcherenko, Kazuki Imasato, Abhay K. Srivastava, Yicheng Guan, Bimalesh Giri, Avdhesh Kumar Sharma, Kaustuv Manna, Stuart S. P. Parkin, Yang Zhang, Chandra Shekhar, and Claudia Felser
Giant Topological Hall Effect and Colossal Magnetoresistance in Heusler Ferromagnet near Room Temperature,
Advanced Materials 37, 2411240 (2025). - P1Shouvik Sur, Lei Chen, Yiming Wang, Chandan Setty, Silke Paschen, and Qimiao Si
Fully nonequilibrium Hall response from Berry curvature,
arXiv preprint: 2411.16675 (2024). - P3Sofie Castro Holbæk and Mark H. Fischer
Interplay of superconductivity and charge-density-wave order in kagome materials,
arXiv preprint: 2411.17818 (2024).Data and code availability
Data availability:Work is purely analytic. Figures are visualizations of analytic expressions given in the paper.
- P3Xia Wang, Qun Yang, Sukriti Singh, Horst Borrmann, Vicky Hasse, Changjiang Yi, Yongkang Li, Marcus Schmidt, Xiaodong Li, Gerhard H. Fecher, Dong Zhou, Binghai Yan, and Claudia Felser
Topological semimetals with intrinsic chirality as spin-controlling electrocatalysts for the oxygen evolution reaction,
Nature Energy (2024). - P5Cedric Schmitt, Simone Sotgiu, Stefan Enzner, Jonas Erhardt, Elena Stellino, Domenico Di Sante, Giorgio Sangiovanni, Ralph Claessen, Simon Moser, and Leonetta Baldassarre
All-optical quality control of indenene intercalation into graphene/SiC,
Appl. Phys. Lett. 125, 223102 (2024).Data and code availability
See publication notification for DFPT phonon calculations for indenene as well as Raman measurements.
see publication notification
- P4Grigorii Skorupskii, Fabio Orlandi, Iñigo Robredo, Milena Jovanovic, Rinsuke Yamada, Fatmagül Katmer, Maia G. Vergniory, Pascal Manuel, Max Hirschberger, and Leslie M. Schoop
Designing giant Hall response in layered topological semimetals,
Nature Communications 15, 10112 (2024). - P5Ammon Fischer, Lennart Klebl, Dante M. Kennes, and Tim O. Wehling
Supercell Wannier functions and a faithful low-energy model for Bernal bilayer graphene,
Phys. Rev. B 110, L201113 (2024). - P1Yiming Wang, Chandan Setty, Shouvik Sur, Liyang Chen, Silke Paschen, Douglas Natelson, and Qimiao Si
Shot noise and universal Fano factor as a characterization of strongly correlated metals,
Phys. Rev. Research 6, L042045 (2024). - P1Matthias Reitner, Lorenzo Del Re, Massimo Capone, and Alessandro Toschi
Non-Perturbative Feats in the Physics of Correlated Antiferromagnets,
arXiv preprint: 2411.13417 (2024). - P4Irián Sánchez-Ramírez, Maia G. Vergniory, and Fernando de Juan
Charge transfer in heterostructures of 𝑇 and 𝐻 transition metal dichalcogenides,
Phys. Rev. B 110, 195138 (2024). - P1Miriam Patricolo, Marcel Gievers, Kilian Fraboulet, Aiman Al-Eryani, Sarah Heinzelmann, Pietro M. Bonetti, Alessandro Toschi, Demetrio Vilardi, and Sabine Andergassen
Single-boson exchange formulation of the Schwinger-Dyson equation and its application to the functional renormalization group,
arXiv preprint: 2411.11661 (2024). - P3, P4Yi Jiang, Urko Petralanda, Grigorii Skorupskii, Qiaoling Xu, Hanqi Pi, Dumitru Călugăru, Haoyu Hu, Jiaze Xie, Rose Albu Mustaf, Peter Höhn, Vicky Haase, Maia G. Vergniory, Martin Claassen, Luis Elcoro, Nicolas Regnault, Jie Shan, Kin Fai Mak, Dmitri K. Efetov, Emilia Morosan, Dante M. Kennes, Angel Rubio, Lede Xian, Claudia Felser, Leslie M. Schoop, and B. Andrei Bernevig
2D Theoretically Twistable Material Database,
arXiv preprint: 2411.09741 (2024). - P4Sandra Sajan, Haojie Guo, Tarushi Agarwal, Irián Sánchez-Ramírez, Chandan Patra, Maia G. Vergniory, Fernando de Juan, Ravi Prakash Singh, and Miguel M. Ugeda
Atomic-scale mapping of superconductivity in the incoherent CDW mosaic phase of a transition metal dichalcogenide,
arXiv preprint: 2411.08200 (2024). - P4Björn J. Wurst, Dante M. Kennes, Jonas B. Profe
Efficiency of the hidden fermion determinant states Ansatz in the light of different complexity measures,
arXiv preprint: 2411.04527 (2024). - P3Anja Wenger, Armando Consiglio, Hendrik Hohmann, Matteo Dürrnagel, Fabian O. von Rohr, Harley D. Scammell, Julian Ingham, Domenico Di Sante, and Ronny Thomale
Theory of unconventional magnetism in a Cu-based kagome metal,
arXiv preprint: 2411.03563 (2024).Data and code availability
See publication notification for DFT calculations. The dataset for FRG calculations as well as the post-processing scripts to determine the symmetry-broken phase are available upon reasonable request.
see publication notification
- P1Liang Si, Eric Jacob, Wenfeng Wu, Andreas Hausoel, Juraj Krsnik, Paul Worm, Simone Di Cataldo, Oleg Janson, and Karsten Held
Closing in on possible scenarios for infinite-layer nickelates: Comparison of dynamical mean-field theory with angular-resolved photoemission spectroscopy,
Phys. Rev. Research 6, 043104 (2024).Data and code availability
Data availability:The data are available on reasonable request by the corresponding authors.see publication notification
- P6Jiyu Chen and Philipp Werner
Multidimensional coherent spectroscopy of correlated lattice systems,
arXiv preprint: 2411.02389 (2024). - P3, P5Jonas B. Profe, Lennart Klebl, Francesco Grandi, Hendrik Hohmann, Matteo Dürrnagel, Tilman Schwemmer, Ronny Thomale, and Dante M. Kennes
Kagome Hubbard model from a functional renormalization group perspective,
Phys. Rev. Research 6, 043078 (2024). - P6Martin Eckstein
Solving quantum impurity models in the non-equilibrium steady state with tensor trains,
arXiv preprint: 2410.19707 (2024). - P1, P4Yuan Fang, Lei Chen, Andrey Prokofiev, Iñigo Robredo, Jennifer Cano, Maia G. Vergniory, Silke Paschen, and Qimiao Si
Magnetic Weyl-Kondo semimetals induced by quantum fluctuations,
arXiv preprint: 2403.02295 (2024). - P3, P4Mengli Hu, Oleg Janson, Claudia Felser, Paul McClarty, Jeroen van den Brink, and Maia G. Vergniory
Spin Hall and Edelstein Effects in Novel Chiral Noncollinear Altermagnets,
arXiv preprint: 2410.17993 (2024). - P3, P4Martin Gutierrez-Amigo, Ðorđe Dangić, Chunyu Guo, Claudia Felser, Philip J. W. Moll, Maia G. Vergniory, and Ion Errea
Phonon collapse and anharmonic melting of the 3D charge-density wave in kagome metals,
Communications Materials 5, 234 (2024). - P5Nihit Saigal, Lennart Klebl, Hendrik Lambers, Sina Bahmanyar, Veljko Antić, Dante Kennes, Tim Wehling, and Ursula Wurstbauer
Resonant inelastic light scattering micro-spectroscopy to probe inter-moiré miniband excitations in twisted 2D semiconductors,
BIO Web Conf. 129, 32013 (2024). - P1Paul Worm, Matthias Reitner, Karsten Held, and Alessandro Toschi
Fermi and Luttinger Arcs: Two Concepts, Realized on One Surface,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 133, 166501 (2024).Data and code availability
See publication notification for original figures, numerical (raw) data, and plot scripts. The preprint and LaTeX source files are available on arXiv. Additional information can be found in the README. A detailed list of the used python packages provides the file python_versions.txt.
see publication notification
- P5Evgeny A. Stepanov, Maria Chatzieleftheriou, Niklas Wagner, and Giorgio Sangiovanni
Interconnected renormalization of Hubbard bands and Green's function zeros in Mott insulators induced by strong magnetic fluctuations,
Phys. Rev. B 110, L161106 (2024).Data and code availability
The data used for the paper's figures are publicly stored. The private code used to produce them is available upon reasonable request.
see publication notification
- P4, P6Jonas B. Profe, Jiawei Yan, Karim Zantout, Philipp Werner, and Roser Valentí
Multi-orbital two-particle self-consistent approach -- strengths and limitations,
arXiv preprint: 2410.00962 (2024). - P3, P4Yun Yen, Jonas A. Krieger, Mengyu Yao, Iñigo Robredo, Kaustuv Manna, Qun Yang, Emily C. McFarlane, Chandra Shekhar, Horst Borrmann, Samuel Stolz, Roland Widmer, Oliver Gröning, Vladimir N. Strocov, Stuart S. P. Parkin, Claudia Felser, Maia G. Vergniory, Michael Schüler, and Niels B. M. Schröter
Controllable orbital angular momentum monopoles in chiral topological semimetals,
Nature Physics 20, 1912–1918 (2024). - P3, P4Robin Guehne, Jonathan Noky, Changjiang Yi, Chandra Shekhar, Maia G. Vergniory, Michael Baenitz, and Claudia Felser
Orbital selective commensurate modulations of the local density of states in ScV6Sn6 probed by nuclear spins,
Nature Communications 15, 8213 (2024). - P1Atsushi Hariki, Tatsuya Yamaguchi, Mathias Winder, and Jan Kuneš
Metal-Insulator Transition in CaCu3Fe4O12,
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 93, 104702 (2024).Data and code availability
Data availability:QUAST-funded authors were not directly involved in creating or storing data.
- P4, P5Gautam Rai, Lorenzo Crippa, Dumitru Călugăru, Haoyu Hu, Francesca Paoletti, Luca de’ Medici, Antoine Georges, B. Andrei Bernevig, Roser Valentí, Giorgio Sangiovanni, and Tim Wehling
Dynamical Correlations and Order in Magic-Angle Twisted Bilayer Graphene,
Phys. Rev. X 14, 031045 (2024).Data and code availability
See publication notification for DMFT data for the figures in the main text, input files and links to the software repositories.
see publication notification
- P6Denis Golez, Eva Paprotzki, Philipp Werner, and Martin Eckstein
Measuring the ultrafast screening of U in photo-excited charge-transfer insulators with time-resolved X-ray absorption spectroscopy,
arXiv preprint: 2409.06314 (2024). - P1, P3S. Galeski, K. Araki, O. K. Forslund, R. Wawrzyńczak, H. F. Legg, P. K. Sivakumar, U. Miniotaite, F. Elson, M. Månsson, C. Witteveen, F. O. von Rohr, A. Q. R. Baron, D. Ishikawa, Q. Li, G. Gu, L. X. Zhao, W. L. Zhu, G. F. Chen, Y. Wang, S. S. P. Parkin, D. Grobunov, S. Zherlitsyn, B. Vlaar, D. H. Nguyen, S. Paschen, P. Narang, C. Felser, J. Wosnitza, T. Meng, Y. Sassa, S. A. Hartnoll, and J. Gooth
Quantum oscillation signatures of the Bloch-Grüneisen temperature in the Dirac semimetal ZrTe5,
Phys. Rev. B 110, L121103 (2024). - P8Michael Elbracht and Michael Potthoff
Prerelaxation in quantum, classical, and quantum-classical two-impurity models,
Phys. Rev. Research 6, 033275 (2024).Data and code availability
Data availability:The data are available on reasonable request by the corresponding authors.see publication notification
- P1Wenxin Ding, Sarah Grefe, Silke Paschen, and Qimiao Si
Anomalous Hall Effect and Quantum Criticality in Geometrically Frustrated Heavy Fermion Metals,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 133, 106504 (2024). - P1S. Adler, D.R. Fus, M.O. Malcolms, A. Vock, K. Held, A.A. Katanin, T. Schäfer, and A. Toschi
Magnetic quantum criticality: dynamical mean-field perspective,
arXiv preprint: 2409.04308 (2024). - P4Chandan Setty, Fang Xie, Shouvik Sur, Lei Chen, Maia G. Vergniory, and Qimiao Si
Electronic properties, correlated topology and Green's function zeros,
Phys. Rev. Res. 6, 033235 (2024). - P3Erjian Cheng, Ning Mao, Xiaotian Yang, Boqing Song, Rui Lou, Tianping Ying, Simin Nie, Alexander Fedorov, François Bertran, Pengfei Ding, Oleksandr Suvorov, Shu Zhang, Susmita Changdar, Walter Schnelle, Ralf Koban, Changjiang Yi, Ulrich Burkhardt, Bernd Büchner, Shancai Wang, Yang Zhang, Wenbo Wang, and Claudia Felser
Striped magnetization plateau and chirality-reversible anomalous Hall effect in a magnetic kagome metal,
arXiv preprint: 2409.01365 (2024). - P4Chiara Devescovi, Antonio Morales-Pérez, Maria Blanco de Paz, Juan Luis Mañes, Barry Bradlyn, Maia G. Vergniory, and Aitzol García-Etxarri
Tutorial 2.0: computing topological invariants in 3D photonic crystals,
Optical Materials Express 14, 2161 (2024). - P1Martin Braß, Jan M. Tomczak, and Karsten Held
Weyl nodes in Ce3Bi4Pd3 revealed by dynamical mean-field theory,
Phys. Rev. Research 6, 033227 (2024).Data and code availability
Data availability:All data and code shown in the publication are available in and
- P3, P4Iñigo Robredo, Niels B. M. Schröter, Claudia Felser, Jennifer Cano, Barry Bradlyn, and Maia G. Vergniory
Multifold topological semimetals,
Europhysics Letters 147, 46001 (2024). - P3Martina O. Soldini, Ömer M. Aksoy, and Titus Neupert
Interacting crystalline topological insulators in two-dimensions with time-reversal symmetry,
Phys. Rev. Research 6, 033205 (2024).Data and code availability
Data availability:Work is purely analytic. Figures are visualizations of analytic expressions given in the paper.
- P3Hanbin Deng, Hailang Qin, Guowei Liu, Tianyu Yang, Ruiqing Fu, Zhongyi Zhang, Xianxin Wu, Zhiwei Wang, Youguo Shi, Jinjin Liu, Hongxiong Liu, Xiao-Yu Yan, Wei Song, Xitong Xu, Yuanyuan Zhao, Mingsheng Yi, Gang Xu, Hendrik Hohmann, Sofie Castro Holbæk, Matteo Dürrnagel, Sen Zhou, Guoqing Chang, Yugui Yao, Qianghua Wang, Zurab Guguchia, Titus Neupert, Ronny Thomale, Mark H. Fischer, and Jia-Xin Yin
Chiral kagome superconductivity modulations with residual Fermi arcs,
Nature 632, 775–781 (2024).Data and code availability
Data availability:QUAST-funded authors were not directly involved in creating or storing data.
- P3, P4Mikel Iraola, Iñigo Robredo, Titus Neupert, Juan L. Mañes, Roser Valentí, and Maia G. Vergniory
Topology of SmB6 revisited by means of topological quantum chemistry,
Phys. Rev. Research 6, 033195 (2024).Data and code availability
Data availability:The data are available on reasonable request by the corresponding authors.see publication notification
- P3Tsuneya Yoshida, Song-Bo Zhang, Titus Neupert, and Norio Kawakami
Non-Hermitian Mott Skin Effect,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 133, 076502 (2024).Data and code availability
See publication notification for code for ED simulations.
see publication notification
- P1J. Krsnik, O. Simard, P. Werner, A. Kauch, and K. Held
Displaced Drude peak from π-ton vertex corrections,
Phys. Rev. B 110, 075118 (2024).Data and code availability
Data availability:All data and code shown in the publication are available in
- P8Cassian Plorin and Michael Potthoff
Kondo screening and indirect magnetic exchange through a conventional superconductor studied by the density matrix renormalization group,
Phys. Rev. B 110, 085119 (2024).Data and code availability
Data availability:The data are available on reasonable request by the corresponding authors.see publication notification
- P4Chiara Devescovi, Antonio Morales-Pérez, Yoonseok Hwang, Mikel García-Díez, Iñigo Robredo, Juan Luis Mañes, Barry Bradlyn, Aitzol García-Etxarri, and Maia G. Vergniory
Axion topology in photonic crystal domain walls,
Nature Communications 15, 6814 (2024). - P1Emin Moghadas, Nikolaus Dräger, Alessandro Toschi, Jiawei Zang, Matija Medvidović, Dominik Kiese, Andrew J. Millis, Anirvan M. Sengupta, Sabine Andergassen, and Domenico Di Sante
Compressing the two-particle Green's function using wavelets: Theory and application to the Hubbard atom,
The European Physical Journal Plus 139, 700 (2024).Data and code availability
See publication notification for original figures, numerical (raw) data, and plot script.
see publication notification
- P1, P5A. Kowalski, M. Reitner, L. Del Re, M. Chatzieleftheriou, A. Amaricci, A. Toschi, L. de’ Medici, G. Sangiovanni, and T. Schäfer
Thermodynamic Stability at the Two-Particle Level,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 133, 066502 (2024).Data and code availability
See publication notification for numerical DMFT / CTQMC results, evaluation scripts and code patches.
see publication notification
- P3Hanbin Deng, Tianyu Yang, Guowei Liu, Lu Liu, Lingxiao Zhao, Wu Wang, Tiantian Li, Wei Song, Titus Neupert, Xiang-Rui Liu, Jifeng Shao, Y. Y. Zhao, Nan Xu, Hao Deng, Li Huang, Yue Zhao, Liyuan Zhang, Jia-Wei Mei, Liusuo Wu, Jiaqing He, Qihang Liu, Chang Liu, and Jia-Xin Yin
Local Excitation of Kagome Spin Ice Magnetism Seen by Scanning Tunneling Microscopy,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 133, 046503 (2024).Data and code availability
Data availability:QUAST-funded authors were not directly involved in creating or storing data.
- P1Chandan Setty, Shouvik Sur, Lei Chen, Fang Xie, Haoyu Hu, Silke Paschen, Jennifer Cano, and Qimiao Si
Symmetry constraints and spectral crossing in a Mott insulator with Green's function zeros,
Phys. Rev. Research 6, L032018 (2024). - P5Nihit Saigal, Lennart Klebl, Hendrik Lambers, Sina Bahmanyar, Veljko Antić, Dante M. Kennes, Tim O. Wehling, and Ursula Wurstbauer
Collective charge excitations between moiré-minibands in twisted WSe2 bilayers from resonant inelastic light scattering,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 133, 046902 (2024). - P1, P5Herbert Eßl, Matthias Reitner, Giorgio Sangiovanni, and Alessandro Toschi
General Shiba mapping for on-site four-point correlation functions,
Phys. Rev. Research 6, 033061 (2024).Data and code availability
The work is mainly analytic. The scripts for the post-processing investigations and for plotting have been shared.
see publication notification
- P3, P4Subhajit Roychowdhury, Kartik Samanta, Sukriti Singh, Walter Schnelle, Yang Zhang, Jonathan Noky, Maia G. Vergniory, Chandra Shekhar, and Claudia Felser
Enhancement of the anomalous Hall effect by distorting the Kagome lattice in an antiferromagnetic material,
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 121, e2401970121 (2024). - P3, P4Subhajit Roychowdhury, Premakumar Yanda, Kartik Samanta, Changjiang Yi, Mengyu Yao, Fabio Orlandi, Pascal Manuel, Dmitry Khalyavin, Enrico Giuseppe Della Valle, Procopios Constantinou, Vladimir N. Strocov, Maia G. Vergniory, Chandra Shekhar, and Claudia Felser
Giant Room-Temperature Topological Hall Effect in a Square-Net Ferromagnet LaMn2Ge2,
Advanced Materials 36, 2305916 (2024). - P6Jiyu Chen, Francesco Petocchi, Viktor Christiansson, and Philipp Werner
Photoinduced insulator-metal transition in paramagnetic (V1-xCrx)2O3,
Phys. Rev. B 110, 045117 (2024).Data and code availability
See publication notification for band structure and spectra of Cr-doped V2O3, as well as charge and spectrum dynamics upon excitations.
see publication notification
- P6Durga Prasad Khatua, Asha Singh, Sabina Gurung, and J. Jayabalan
Carrier Dynamics in High-density Photo-doped MoS2: Monolayer vs Multilayer,
arXiv preprint: 2407.05038 (2024). - P4Axel Fünfhaus, Marius Möller, Thilo Kopp, and Roser Valentí
Topological phase transitions of interacting fermions in the presence of a commensurate magnetic flux,
Phys. Rev. B 110, 045107 (2024).Data and code availability
See publication notification for numerical data of plots.
see publication notification
- P8Georg Rohringer and Anton A. Markov
Orbital magnetic field driven metal-insulator transition in strongly correlated electron systems,
arXiv preprint: 2406.18729 (2024). - P5Yueqing Chang, Erik G. C. P. van Loon, Brandon Eskridge, Brian Busemeyer, Miguel A. Morales, Cyrus E. Dreyer, Andrew J. Millis, Shiwei Zhang, Tim O. Wehling, Lucas K. Wagner, and Malte Rösner
Downfolding from ab initio to interacting model Hamiltonians: comprehensive analysis and benchmarking of the DFT+cRPA approach,
npj Computational Materials 10, 129 (2024). - P1Lei Chen, Fang Xie, Shouvik Sur, Haoyu Hu, Silke Paschen, Jennifer Cano, and Qimiao Si
Emergent flat band and topological Kondo semimetal driven by orbital-selective correlations,
Nature Communications 15, 5242 (2024). - P3, P4Sukriti Singh, Ana García-Page, Jonathan Noky, Subhajit Roychowdhury, Maia G. Vergniory, Horst Borrmann, Hans-Henning Klauss, Claudia Felser, and Chandra Shekhar
Extended Berry Curvature Tail in Ferromagnetic Weyl Semimetals NiMnSb and PtMnSb,
Advanced Science 11, 2404495 (2024). - P1Paul Worm, Qisi Wang, Motoharu Kitatani, Izabela Biało, Qiang Gao, Xiaolin Ren, Jaewon Choi, Diana Csontosová, Ke-Jin Zhou, Xingjiang Zhou, Zhihai Zhu, Liang Si, Johan Chang, Jan M. Tomczak, and Karsten Held
Spin fluctuations sufficient to mediate superconductivity in nickelates,
Phys. Rev. B 109, 235126 (2024).Data and code availability
Data availability:The data are available on reasonable request by the corresponding authors.see publication notification
- P4Y.-F. Li, S.-D. Chen, M. García-Díez, M. I. Iraola, H. Pfau, Y.-L. Zhu, Z.-Q. Mao, T. Chen, M. Yi, P.-C. Dai, J.A. Sobota, M. Hashimoto, M. G. Vergniory, D.-H. Lu, and Z.-X. Shen
Orbital Ingredients and Persistent Dirac Surface State for the Topological Band Structure in FeTe0.55Se0.45,
Phys. Rev. X 14, 021043 (2024). - P1, P3, P4D. M. Kirschbaum, X. Yan, M. Waas, R. Svagera, A. Prokofiev, B. Stöger, P. Rogl, D.-G. Oprea, C. Felser, R. Valentí, M. G. Vergniory, J. Custers, S. Paschen, and D. A. Zocco
Ce3Bi4Ni3 – A large hybridization-gap variant of Ce3Bi4Pt,
Phys. Rev. Research 6, 023242 (2024). - P4Cong Li, Mengli Hu, Zhilin Li, Yang Wang, Wanyu Chen, Balasubramanian Thiagarajan, Mats Leandersson, Craig Polley, Timur Kim, Hui Liu, Cosma Fulga, Maia G. Vergniory, Oleg Janson, Oscar Tjernberg, and Jeroen van den Brink
Topological Weyl Altermagnetism in CrSb,
arXiv preprint: 2405.14777 (2024). - P8Evgeny A. Stepanov, Matteo Vandelli, Alexander I. Lichtenstein, and Frank Lechermann
Charge Density Wave Ordering in NdNiO2: Effects of Multiorbital Nonlocal Correlations,
npj Computational Materials 10, 108 (2024). - P1Yang Yu, Sergei Iskakov, Emanuel Gull, Karsten Held, and Friedrich Krien
Unambiguous Fluctuation Decomposition of the Self-Energy: Pseudogap Physics beyond Spin Fluctuations,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 132, 216501 (2024).Data and code availability
Data availability:QUAST-funded authors were not directly involved in creating or storing data.
- P1Yuan Fang, Mounica Mahankali, Yiming Wang, Lei Chen, Haoyu Hu, Silke Paschen, and Qimiao Si
Amplified entanglement witnessed in a quantum critical metal,
arXiv preprint: 2402.18552 (2024). - P3Rui-Qing Fu, Jun Zhan, Matteo Dürrnagel, Hendrik Hohmann, Ronny Thomale, Jiangping Hu, Ziqiang Wang, Sen Zhou, and Xianxin Wu
Exotic charge density waves and superconductivity on the Kagome Lattice,
arXiv preprint: 2405.09451 (2024).Data and code availability
Data availability:QUAST-funded authors were not directly involved in creating or storing data.
- P4Martin Gutierrez-Amigo, Fang Yuan, Davide Campi, Leslie M. Schoop, Maia G. Vergniory, and Ion Errea
Purely anharmonic charge density wave in the two-dimensional Dirac semimetal SnP,
Phys. Rev. B 109, 174112 (2024). - P4Yuanfeng Xu, M. G. Vergniory, Da-Shuai Ma, Juan L. Mañes, Zhi-Da Song, B. Andrei Bernevig, Nicolas Regnault, and Luis Elcoro
Catalog of topological phonon materials,
Science 384, eadf8458 (2024). - P1Simone Di Cataldo, Paul Worm, Jan M. Tomczak, Liang Si, and Karsten Held
Unconventional superconductivity without doping in infinite-layer nickelates under pressure,
Nature Communications 15, 3952 (2024).Data and code availability
Data availability:All data and code shown in the publication are available in
- P3Changjiang Yi, Xiaolong Feng, Nitesh Kumar, Claudia Felser, and Chandra Shekhar
Tuning charge density wave of kagome metal ScV6Sn6,
New Journal of Physics 26, 052001 (2024). - P1, P5Matthias Reitner, Lorenzo Crippa, Dominik Robert Fus, Jan Carl Budich, Alessandro Toschi, and Giorgio Sangiovanni
Protection of correlation-induced phase instabilities by exceptional susceptibilities,
Phys. Rev. Research 6, L022031 (2024).Data and code availability
See publication notification for original figures, numerical (raw) data, plot scripts, TeX source files and README.
see publication notification
- P3Bent Weber, Michael S Fuhrer, Xian-Lei Sheng, Shengyuan A Yang, Ronny Thomale, Saquib Shamim, Laurens W Molenkamp, David Cobden, Dmytro Pesin, and Harold J W Zandvliet
2024 roadmap on 2D topological insulators,
J. Phys. Mater. 7, 022501 (2024).Data and code availability
Data availability:QUAST-funded authors were not directly involved in creating or storing data.
- P6Jiyu Chen, Francesco Petocchi, Viktor Christiansson, and Philipp Werner
Nature of the photo-induced metallic state in monoclinic VO2,
Phys. Rev. B 109, L201101 (2024).Data and code availability
See publication notification for band structure and spectra of VO2, as well as charge and spectrum dynamics upon excitations.
see publication notification
- P3, P4Jonas A. Krieger, Samuel Stolz, Iñigo Robredo, Kaustuv Manna, Emily C. McFarlane, Mihir Date, Eduardo B. Guedes, J. Hugo Dil, Chandra Shekhar, Horst Borrmann, Qun Yang, Mao Lin, Vladimir N. Strocov, Marco Caputo, Banabir Pal, Matthew D. Watson, Timur K. Kim, Cephise Cacho, Federico Mazzola, Jun Fujii, Ivana Vobornik, Stuart S.P. Parkin, Barry Bradlyn, Claudia Felser, Maia G. Vergniory, and Niels B. M. Schröter
Weyl spin-momentum locking in a chiral topological semimetal,
Nature Communications 15, 3720 (2024). - P3, P4Andrew M. Ochs, Diana-Gabriela Oprea, Jorge Cardenas-Gamboa, Curtis E. Moore, Joseph P. Heremans, Claudia Felser, Maia G. Vergniory, and Joshua E. Goldberger
KMg4Bi3: A Narrow Band Gap Semiconductor with a Channel Structure,
Inorg. Chem. 63, 20133–20140 (2024). - P1D. M. Kirschbaum, L. Chen, D. A. Zocco, H. Hu, F. Mazza, J. Larrea Jiménez, A. M. Strydom, D. Adroja, X. Yan, A. Prokofiev, Q. Si, and S. Paschen
Emergent Topological Semimetal,
arXiv preprint: 2404.15924 (2024). - P6Fabian Künzel, André Erpenbeck, Daniel Werner, Enrico Arrigoni, Emanuel Gull, Guy Cohen, and Martin Eckstein
Numerically Exact Simulation of Photodoped Mott Insulators,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 132, 176501 (2024).Data and code availability
Only the NCA data in the paper was produced by QUAST-funded authors.
see publication notification
- P1A. Hariki, T. Yamaguchi, D. Kriegner, K. W. Edmonds, P. Wadley, S. S. Dhesi, G. Springholz, L. Šmejkal, K. Výborný, T. Jungwirth, and Jan Kuneš
X-ray Magnetic Circular Dichroism in Altermagnetic α-MnTe,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 132, 176701 (2024).Data and code availability
Data availability:QUAST-funded authors were not directly involved in creating or storing data.
- P5Hong Li, Siyu Cheng , Ganesh Pokharel, Philipp Eck, Chiara Bigi, Federico Mazzola, Giorgio Sangiovanni, Stephen D. Wilson, Domenico Di Sante, Ziqiang Wang, and Ilija Zeljkovic
Spin Berry curvature-enhanced orbital Zeeman effect in a kagome metal,
Nature Physics 20, 1103–1109 (2024).Data and code availability
See publication notification for measurements and calculation source data.
see publication notification
- P3, P4Yuanfeng Xu, Luis Elcoro, Zhi-Da Song, M. G. Vergniory, Claudia Felser, Stuart S. P. Parkin, Nicolas Regnault, Juan L. Mañes, and B. Andrei Bernevig
Filling-enforced obstructed atomic insulators,
Phys. Rev. B 109, 165139 (2024). - P3, P4Mengyu Yao, Martin Gutierrez-Amigo, Subhajit Roychowdhury, Ion Errea, Alexander Fedorov, Vladimir N. Strocov, Maia G. Vergniory, and Claudia Felser
Observation of Chiral Surface State in Superconducting NbGe2,
arXiv preprint: 2403.03324 (2024). - P4, P8Simon Michel, Axel Fünfhaus, Robin Quade, Roser Valentí, and Michael Potthoff
Bound states and local topological phase diagram of classical impurity spins coupled to a Chern insulator,
Phys. Rev. B 109, 155116 (2024).Data and code availability
Data availability:The data are available on reasonable request by the corresponding authors.see publication notification
- P1Federico Mazza, Sounak Biswas, Xinlin Yan, Andrey Prokofiev, Paul Steffens, Qimiao Si, Fakher F. Assaad, and Silke Paschen
Quantum Fisher information in a strange metal,
arXiv preprint: 2403.12779 (2024). - P4Connor J. Pollak, Grigorii Skorupskii, Martin Gutierrez-Amigo, Ratnadwip Singha, Joseph W. Stiles, Franziska Kamm, Florian Pielnhofer, N. P. Ong, Ion Errea, Maia G. Vergniory, and Leslie M. Schoop
Chemical Bonding Induces One-Dimensional Physics in Bulk Crystal BiIr4Se8,
Journal of the American Chemical Society 146, 6784–6795 (2024). - P1, P5Severino Adler, Friedrich Krien, Patrick Chalupa-Gantner, Giorgio Sangiovanni, and Alessandro Toschi
Non-perturbative intertwining between spin and charge correlations: A "smoking gun" single-boson-exchange result,
SciPost Phys. 16, 054 (2024).Data and code availability
See publication notification for numerical (raw) data, postprocessing scripts and plot scripts, as well as the TeX file and figures.
see publication notification
- P3, P4Chunyu Guo, Maarten R. van Delft, Martin Gutierrez-Amigo, Dong Chen, Carsten Putzke, Glenn Wagner, Mark H. Fischer, Titus Neupert, Ion Errea, Maia G. Vergniory, Steffen Wiedmann, Claudia Felser, and Philip J. W. Moll
Distinct switching of chiral transport in the kagome metals KV3Sb5 and CsV3Sb5,
npj Computational Materials 9, 20 (2024).Data and code availability
Data availability:QUAST-funded authors were not directly involved in creating or storing data.
- P1Joseph G. Checkelsky, B. Andrei Bernevig, Piers Coleman, Qimiao Si, and Silke Paschen
Flat bands, strange metals and the Kondo effect,
Nature Reviews Materials 9, 509-526 (2024). - P8Sergei Iskakov, Mikhail I. Katsnelson, and Alexander I. Lichtenstein
Perturbative solution of fermionic sign problem in quantum Monte Carlo computations,
npj Computational Materials 10, 36 (2024). - P4, P5Lorenzo Crippa, Hyeonhu Bae, Paul Wunderlich, Igor I. Mazin, Binghai Yan, Giorgio Sangiovanni, Tim Wehling, and Roser Valentí
Heavy fermions vs doped Mott physics in heterogeneous Ta-dichalcogenide bilayers,
Nature Communications 15, 1357 (2024).Data and code availability
See publication notification for DFT and DMFT data plotted in the figures.
see publication notification
- P5Arne Schobert, Jan Berges, Erik G. C. P. van Loon, Michael A. Sentef, Sergey Brener, Mariana Rossi, and Tim Wehling
Ab initio electron-lattice downfolding: Potential energy landscapes, anharmonicity, and molecular dynamics in charge density wave materials,
SciPost Phys. 16, 046 (2024). - P5Jonas B. Profe, Dante M. Kennes, and Lennart Klebl
divERGe implements various Exact Renormalization Group examples,
SciPost Phys. Codebases , 26-r0.5 (2024). - P1Martin Braß, Liang Si, and Karsten Held
Weyl points and spin-orbit coupling in copper-substituted lead phosphate apatite,
Phys. Rev. B 109, 085103 (2024).Data and code availability
Data availability:All data and code shown in the publication are available in and
- P3, P4Chunyu Guo, Glenn Wagner, Carsten Putzke, Dong Chen, Kaize Wang, Ling Zhang, Martin Gutierrez-Amigo, Ion Errea, Maia G. Vergniory, Claudia Felser, Mark H. Fischer, Titus Neupert, and Philip J. W. Moll
Correlated order at the tipping point in the kagome metal CsV3Sb5,
Nature Physics (2024): 1-6.Data and code availability
Data availability:QUAST-funded authors were not directly involved in creating or storing data.
- P3Qun Yang, Yongkang Li, Claudia Felser, and Binghai Yan
Chirality induced spin selectivity in chiral crystals,
arXiv preprint: 2312.04366 (2024). - P4Lei Chen, Haoyu Hu, Maia G. Vergniory, Jennifer Cano, and Qimiao Si
Dirac zeros in an orbital selective Mott phase: Green's function Berry curvature and flux quantization,
arXiv preprint: 2401.12156 (2024). - P3Changjiang Yi, Xiaolong Feng, Ning Mao, Premakumar Yanda, Subhajit Roychowdhury, Yang Zhang, Claudia Felser, and Chandra Shekhar
Quantum oscillations revealing topological band in kagome metal ScV6Sn6,
Phys. Rev. B 109, 035124 (2024). - P1, P5Arianna Poli, Niklas Wagner, Max Fischer, Alessandro Toschi, Giorgio Sangiovanni, and Sergio Ciuchi
Interacting nodal semimetals with non-linear bands,
Phys. Rev. B 109, 045118 (2024).Data and code availability
See publication notification for spectral and transport data.
see publication notification
- P4Muhammad Akram, Jesse Kapeghian, Jyotirish Das, Roser Valentí, Antia S. Botana, and Onur Erten
Theory of moiré magnetism in twisted bilayer α-RuCl3,
Nano Letters 24, 890–896 (2024).Data and code availability
Data availability:QUAST-funded authors were not directly involved in creating or storing data.
- P5Ammon Fischer, Lennart Klebl, Jonas B. Hauck, Alexander Rothstein, Lutz Waldecker, Bernd Beschoten, Tim O. Wehling, and Dante M. Kennes
Spin and Charge Fluctuation Induced Pairing in ABCB Tetralayer Graphene,
Phys. Rev. Research 6, L012003 (2024). - P3Xia Wang, Changjiang Yi, and Claudia Felser
Chiral Quantum Materials: When Chemistry Meets Physics,
Advanced Materials 36, 2308746 (2024). - P3Hendrik Hohmann, Matteo Dürrnagel, Matthew Bunney, Tilman Schwemmer, Titus Neupert, Stephan Rachel, and Ronny Thomale
Van-Hove tuning of Fermi surface instabilities through compensated metallicity,
arXiv preprint: 2312.07653 (2023).Data and code availability
See publication notification DFT data and documentation of the numerical scheme. Datasets for RPA calculations are available on reasonable request.
see publication notification
- P1Diana M Kirschbaum, Monika Lužnik, Gwenvredig Le Roy, and Silke Paschen
How to identify and characterize strongly correlated topological semimetals,
Journal of Physics: Materials 7, 012003 (2023). - P4Adrian Valadkhani, Mikel Iraola, Axel Fünfhaus, Young-Joon Song, Libor Šmejkal, Jairo Sinova, and Roser Valentí
Influence of magnetism, strain and pressure on the band topology of EuCd2As2,
Phys. Rev. B 108, 235113 (2023).Data and code availability
QUAST-funded authors were not directly involved in creating or storing data.
see publication notification
- P1, P4Chandan Setty, Fang Xie, Shouvik Sur, Lei Chen, Silke Paschen, Maia G. Vergniory, Jennifer Cano, and Qimiao Si
Topological Diagnosis of Strongly Correlated Electron Systems,
arXiv preprint: 2311.12031 (2023). - P1Simone Di Cataldo, Paul Worm, Liang Si, and Karsten Held
Absence of electron-phonon-mediated superconductivity in hydrogen-intercalated nickelates,
Phys. Rev. B 108, 174512 (2023).Data and code availability
Data availability:All data and code shown in the publication are available in
- P1, P5Niklas Witt, Liang Si, Jan M. Tomczak, Karsten Held, and Tim Wehling
No superconductivity in Pb9Cu1(PO4)6O found in orbital and spin fluctuation exchange calculations,
SciPost Phys. 15, 197 (2023).Data and code availability
See publication notification for DFT and wannierization data, as well as FLEX and RPA data (used to generate figures of the paper).
see publication notification
- P5Niklas Wagner, Lorenzo Crippa, Adriano Amaricci, Philipp Hansmann, Marcel Klett, Elio König, Thomas Schäfer, Domenico Di Sante, Jennifer Cano, Andrew Millis, Antoine Georges, and Giorgio Sangiovanni
Mott insulators with boundary zeros,
Nature Communications 14, 7531 (2023).Data and code availability
See publication notification for numerical data.
see publication notification
- P3, P4Qun Yanga, Jiewen Xiaob, Iñigo Robredo, Maia G. Vergniory, Binghai Yan, and Claudia Felser
Monopole-like orbital-momentum locking and the induced orbital transport in topological chiral semimetals,
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 120, e2305541120 (2023). - P1D. Csontosová, J. Chaloupka, H. Shinaoka, A. Hariki, and J. Kuneš
Hidden covalent insulator and spin excitations in SrRu2O6,
Phys. Rev. B 108, 195137 (2023).Data and code availability
Data availability:Data available at
- P1Liang Si, Markus Wallerberger, Andriy Smolyanyuk, Simone di Cataldo, Jan M. Tomczak, and Karsten Held
Pb10-x Cux(PO4)6O: a Mott or charge transfer insulator in need of further doping for (super)conductivity,
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 36, 065601 (2023).Data and code availability
Data availability:All data and code shown in the publication are available in
- P6Markus Heckschen, Yasin Beyazit, Elaheh Shomali, Florian Kühne, Jesumony Jayabalan, Ping Zhou, Detlef Diesing, Markus E. Gruner, Rossitza Pentcheva, Axel Lorke, Björn Sothmannand, and Uwe Bovensiepen
Spatio-Temporal Electron Propagation Dynamics in Au/Fe/Mg O(001) in Nonequilibrium: Revealing Single Scattering Events and the Ballistic Limit,
PRX Energy 2, 043009 (2023).Data and code availability
Data availability:The data are available on reasonable request by the corresponding authors.see publication notification
- P3, P4A. Korshunov, H. Hu, D. Subires, Y. Jiang, D. Călugăru, X. Feng, A. Rajapitamahuni, C. Yi, S. Roychowdhury, M. G. Vergniory, J. Strempfer, C. Shekhar, E. Vescovo, D. Chernyshov, A. H. Said, A. Bosak, C. Felser, B. Andrei Bernevig, and S. Blanco-Canosa
Softening of a flat phonon mode in the kagome ScV6Sn6,
Nature Communications 14, 6646 (2023). - P5Jan Berges, Nina Girotto, Tim Wehling, Nicola Marzari, and Samuel Poncé
Phonon Self-Energy Corrections: To Screen, or Not to Screen,
Phys. Rev. X 13, 041009 (2023). - P4, P5H. Hu, G. Rai, Lorenzo Crippa, J. Herzog-Arbeitman, D. Călugăru, Tim Wehling, Giorgio Sangiovanni, Roser Valentí, A. M. Tsvelik, and B. A. Bernevig
Symmetric Kondo Lattice States in Doped Strained Twisted Bilayer Graphene,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 131, 166501 (2023).Data and code availability
See publication notification for figure data from DMFT simulations (Figure 3).
see publication notification
- P1Mathias Pelz, Severino Adler, Matthias Reitner, and Alessandro Toschi
Highly nonperturbative nature of the Mott metal-insulator transition: Two-particle vertex divergences in the coexistence region,
Phys. Rev. B 108, 155101 (2023).Data and code availability
See publication notification for original figures, numerical (raw) data, and plot script, as well as Tex file and figures.
see publication notification
- P3Glenn Wagner, Chunyu Guo, Philip J. W. Moll, Titus Neupert, and Mark H. Fischer
Phenomenology of bond and flux orders in kagome metals,
Phys. Rev. B 108, 125136 (2023).Data and code availability
Data availability:Work is purely analytic. Figures are visualizations of analytic expressions given in the paper.
- P1Liang Si and Karsten Held
Electronic structure of the putative room-temperature superconductor Pb6Cu(PO6)6O,
Phys. Rev. B 108, L121110 (2023).Data and code availability
Data availability:Numerical Data is available at
- P3, P4Kartik Samanta, Jonathan Noky, Iñigo Robredo, Juergen Kuebler, Maia G. Vergniory, and Claudia Felser
Large anomalous Hall, Nernst effect and topological phases in the 3d-4d/5d-based oxide double perovskites,
npj Computational Materials 9, 167 (2023). - P5Federico Mazzola, Stefan Enzner, Philipp Eck, Chiara Bigi, Matteo Jugovac, Iulia Cojocariu, Vitaliy Feyer, Zhixue Shu, Gian Marco Pierantozzi, Alessandro De Vita, Pietro Carrara, Jun Fujii, Phil D. C. King, Giovanni Vinai, Pasquale Orgiani, Cephise Cacho, Matthew D. Watson, Giorgio Rossi, Ivana Vobornik, Tai Kong, Domenico Di Sante, Giorgio Sangiovanni, and Giancarlo Panaccione
Observation of Termination-Dependent Topological Connectivity in a Magnetic Weyl Kagome Lattice,
Nano Letters 23, 8035--8042 (2023).Data and code availability
See publication notification for DFT slab calculations for Co3Sn2s2. Data on Arpes measurements are available on reasonable request. QUAST-funded authors were not directly involved in producing experimental data.
see publication notification
- P3Yi-Ming Wu, Ronny Thomale, and S. Raghu
Sublattice interference promotes pair density wave order in kagome metals,
Phys. Rev. B 108, L081117 (2023).Data and code availability
Data availability:QUAST-funded authors were not directly involved in creating or storing data.
- P1Sarah Heinzelmann, Alessandro Toschi, and Sabine Andergassen
Entangled magnetic, charge, and superconducting pairing correlations in the two-dimensional Hubbard model: a functional renormalization-group analysis,
arXiv preprint: 2308.06497 (2023).Data and code availability
Data availability:QUAST-funded authors were not directly involved in creating or storing data.
- P8Nicolas Lenzing, David Krüger, and Michael Potthoff
Geometrical torque on magnetic moments coupled to a correlated antiferromagnet,
Phys. Rev. Research 5, L032012 (2023).Data and code availability
Data availability:The data are available on reasonable request by the corresponding authors.see publication notification
- P1Lei Chen, Fang Xie, Shouvik Sur, Haoyu Hu, Silke Paschen, Jennifer Cano, and Qimiao Si
Metallic quantum criticality enabled by flat bands in a kagome lattice,
arXiv preprint: 2307.09431 (2023). - P1Chia-Chuan Liu, Silke Paschen, and Qimiao Si
Quantum criticality enabled by intertwined degrees of freedom,
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 120, e2300903120 (2023). - P3Martina O. Soldini, Felix Küster, Glenn Wagner, Souvik Das, Amal Aldarawsheh, Ronny Thomale, Samir Lounis, Stuart S. P. Parkin, Paolo Sessi, and Titus Neupert
Two-dimensional Shiba lattices as a possible platform for crystalline topological superconductivity,
Nature Physics (2023): 1-7.Data and code availability
Data availability:QUAST-funded authors were only involved in creating analytic expressions. Experimental data is available on reasonable request by the corresponding authors.
- P3David R. Saykin, Camron Farhang, Erik D. Kountz, Dong Chen, Brenden R. Ortiz, Chandra Shekhar, Claudia Felser, Stephen D. Wilson, Ronny Thomale, Jing Xia, and Aharon Kapitulnik
High Resolution Polar Kerr Effect Studies of CsV3Sb5: Tests for Time Reversal Symmetry Breaking Below the Charge Order Transition,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 131, 016901 (2023).Data and code availability
Data availability:QUAST-funded authors were not directly involved in creating or storing data.
- P5Erik G. C. P. van Loon, Malte Schüler, Daniel Springer, Giorgio Sangiovanni, Jan M. Tomczak, and Tim O. Wehling
Coulomb engineering of two-dimensional Mott materials,
npj 2D Materials and Applications 7, 47 (2023). - P3, P4Sananda Biswas, Andreas Kreisel, Adrian Valadkhani, Matteo Dürrnagel, Tilman Schwemmer, Ronny Thomale, Roser Valentí, and Igor I. Mazin
Hybrid s-wave superconductivity in CrB2,
Phys. Rev. B 108, L020501 (2023).Data and code availability
Data availability:QUAST-funded authors were not directly involved in creating or storing data and only benchmarked data from Andreas Kreisel.
- P3, P4Martina O. Soldini, Nikita Astrakhantsev, Mikel Iraola, Apoorv Tiwari, Mark H. Fischer, Roser Valentí, Maia G. Vergniory, Glenn Wagner, and Titus Neupert
Interacting topological quantum chemistry of Mott atomic limits,
Phys. Rev. B 107, 245145 (2023).Data and code availability
All data and code shown in the paper are available in
see publication notification
- P7Marc Merstorf, Martin Braß, and Maurits W. Haverkort
Non-Lorentzian atomic natural line-shape of core level multiplets: Access high energy x-ray photons in electron capture nuclear decay,
arXiv preprint: 2307.13812 (2023). - P4J. Sánchez-Barriga, O. J. Clark, M. G. Vergniory, M. Krivenkov, A. Varykhalov, O. Rader, and L. M. Schoop
Experimental Realization of a Three-Dimensional Dirac Semimetal Phase with a Tunable Lifshitz Transition in Au2Pb,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 130, 236402 (2023). - P3, P4Subhajit Roychowdhury, Kartik Samanta, Premakumar Yanda, Bernard Malaman, Mengyu Yao, Walter Schnelle, Emmanuel Guilmeau, Procopios Constantinou, Sushmita Chandra, Horst Borrmann, Maia G. Vergniory, Vladimir Strocov, Chandra Shekhar, and Claudia Felser
Interplay between Magnetism and Topology: Large Topological Hall Effect in an Antiferromagnetic Topological Insulator, EuCuAs,
Journal of the American Chemical Society 145, 12920-12927 (2023). - P4Karim Zantout, Steffen Backes, Aleksandar Razpopov, Dominik Lessnich, and Roser Valentí
Improved effective vertices in the multiorbital two-particle self-consistent method from dynamical mean-field theory,
Phys. Rev. B 107, 235101 (2023).Data and code availability
Data availability:The data are available on reasonable request by the corresponding authors.see publication notification
- P4Antonio Morales-Pérez, Chiara Devescovi, Yoonseok Hwang, Mikel García-Díez, Barry Bradlyn, Juan Luis Mañes, Maia G. Vergniory, Aitzol García-Etxarri
Transversality-Enforced Tight-Binding Model for 3D Photonic Crystals aided by Topological Quantum Chemistry,
arXiv preprint: 2305.18257 (2023). - P3, P5Domenico Di Sante, Chiara Bigi, Philipp Eck, Stefan Enzner, Armando Consiglio, Ganesh Pokharel, Pietro Carrara, Pasquale Orgiani, Vincent Polewczyk, Jun Fujii, Phil D. C. King, Ivana Vobornik, Giorgio Rossi, Ilija Zeljkovic, Stephen D. Wilson, Ronny Thomale, Giorgio Sangiovanni, Giancarlo Panaccione, and Federico Mazzola
Flat band separation and robust spin Berry curvature in bilayer kagome metals,
Nature Physics (2023): 1-8.Data and code availability
See publication notification for source data for figures and DFT and Wannier calculations.
see publication notification
- P3, P4Irián Sánchez-Ramírez, Maia G. Vergniory, Claudia Felser, and Fernando de Juan
Band structures of (NbSe4)3I and (TaSe4)3I: Reconciling transport, optics, and angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy,
Phys. Rev. B 107, 205109 (2023). - P4S. Chen, P. L. Leng, A. Konečná, E. Modin, M. Gutierrez-Amigo, E. Vicentini, B. Martín-García, M. Barra-Burillo, I. Niehues, C. Maciel Escudero, X. Y. Xie, L. E. Hueso, E. Artacho, J. Aizpurua, I. Errea, Maia G. Vergniory, A. Chuvilin, F. X. Xiu, and R. Hillenbrand
Real-space observation of ultraconfined in-plane anisotropic acoustic terahertz plasmon polaritons,
Nature Materials 22, 860-866 (2023). - P3Maciej Bieniek, Jukka I. Väyrynen, Gang Li, Titus Neupert, and Ronny Thomale
Theory of glide symmetry protected helical edge states in a WTe2 monolayer,
Phys. Rev. B 107, 195105 (2023).Data and code availability
Data availability:The data are available on reasonable request by the corresponding authors.see publication notification
- P4Martin Gutierrez-Amigo, Maia G. Vergniory, Ion Errea, and J. L. Mañes
Topological phonon analysis of the two-dimensional buckled honeycomb lattice: An application to real materials,
Phys. Rev. B 107, 144307 (2023). - P1, P8Matteo Vandelli, Josef Kaufmann, Viktor Harkov, Alexander I. Lichtenstein, Karsten Held, and Evgeny A. Stepanov
Extended regime of metastable metallic and insulating phases in a two-orbital electronic system,
Phys. Rev. Research 5, L022016 (2023).Data and code availability
Data availability:QUAST-funded authors were not directly involved in creating or storing data.
- P3Francesco Grandi, Armando Consiglio, Michael A. Sentef, Ronny Thomale, and Dante M. Kennes
Theory of nematic charge orders in kagome metals,
Phys. Rev. B 107, 155131 (2023).Data and code availability
Data availability:QUAST-funded authors were not directly involved in creating or storing data.
- P4Paul Wunderlich, Francesco Ferrari, and Roser Valentí
Detecting topological phases in the square-octagon lattice with statistical methods,
The European Physical Journal Plus 138, 1-10 (2023).Data and code availability
Data availability:The data are available on reasonable request by the corresponding authors.see publication notification
- P5Bing Liu, Tim Wagner, Stefan Enzner, Philipp Eck, Martin Kamp, Giorgio Sangiovanni, and Ralph Claessen
Moiré Pattern Formation in Epitaxial Growth on a Covalent Substrate: Sb on InSb(111)A,
Nano Letters 23, 3189-3195 (2023).Data and code availability
See publication notification for DFT calculations for Sb layers on InSb. Experimental data on QPI and STM measurements are available upon reasonable request. QUAST-funded authors were not directly involved in producing experimental data.
see publication notification
- P6Francesco Petocchi, Jiyu Chen, Jiajun Li, Martin Eckstein, and Philipp Werner
Photoinduced charge dynamics in 1T−TaS2,
Phys. Rev. B 107, 165102 (2023).Data and code availability
Data availability:The data are available on reasonable request by the corresponding authors.see publication notification
- P3Glenn Wagner, Souvik Das, Johannes Jung, Artem Odobesko, Felix Küster, Florian Keller, Jedrzej Korczak, Andrzej Szczerbakow, Tomasz Story, Stuart S.P. Parkin, Ronny Thomale, Titus Neupert, Matthias Bode, and Paolo Sessi
Interaction Effects in a 1D Flat Band at a Topological Crystalline Step Edge,
Nano Letters 23, 2476-2482 (2023).Data and code availability
Data availability:QUAST-funded authors were not directly involved in creating or storing data.
- P1Liang Si, Paul Worm, Dachuan Chen, and Karsten Held
Topotactic hydrogen forms chains in ABO2 nickelate superconductors,
Phys. Rev. B 107, 165116 (2023).Data and code availability
Data availability:The data are available on reasonable request by the corresponding authors.see publication notification
- P4Nitish Mathur, Fang Yuan, Guangming Cheng, Sahal Kaushik, Iñigo Robredo, Maia G. Vergniory, Jennifer Cano, Nan Yao, Song Jin, and Leslie M. Schoop
Atomically Sharp Internal Interface in a Chiral Weyl Semimetal Nanowire,
Nano Letters 23, 2695-2702 (2023). - P3Jacob Beyer, Jonas B. Hauck, Lennart Klebl, Tilman Schwemmer, Dante M. Kennes, Ronny Thomale, Carsten Honerkamp, and Stephan Rachel
Rashba spin-orbit coupling in the square lattice Hubbard model: A truncated-unity functional renormalization group study,
Phys. Rev. B 107, 125115 (2023).Data and code availability
Data availability:QUAST-funded authors were not directly involved in creating or storing data.
- P1Monika Lužnik, Günther Lientschnig, Mathieu Taupin, Andreas Steiger-Thirsfeld, Andrey Prokofiev, and Silke Paschen
Size Effect on the Thermal Conductivity of a Type-I Clathrate,
Crystals 13, 453 (2023). - P3, P4Subhajit Roychowdhury, Mengyu Yao, Kartik Samanta, Seokjin Bae, Dong Chen, Sailong Ju, Arjun Raghavan, Nitesh Kumar, Procopios Constantinou, Satya N. Guin, Nicholas Clark Plumb, Marisa Romanelli, Horst Borrmann, Maia G. Vergniory, Vladimir N. Strocov, Vidya Madhavan, Chandra Shekhar, and Claudia Felser
Anomalous Hall Conductivity and Nernst Effect of the Ideal Weyl Semimetallic Ferromagnet EuCd2As2,
Advanced Science (2023): 2207121. - P6Yasin Beyazit, Florian Kühne, Detlef Diesing, Ping Zhou, J. Jayabalan, Björn Sothmann, and Uwe Bovensiepen
Ultrafast electron dynamics in Au/Fe/MgO(001) analyzed by Au- and Fe-selective pumping in time-resolved two-photon photoemission spectroscopy: Separation of excitations in adjacent metallic layers,
Phys. Rev. B 107, 085412 (2023).Data and code availability
Data availability:The data are available on reasonable request by the corresponding authors.see publication notification
- P4Kejian Qu, Zachary W. Riedel, Irián Sánchez-Ramírez, Simon Bettler, Junseok Oh, Emily N. Waite, Toby J. Woods, Nadya Mason, Peter Abbamonte, Fernando de Juan, Maia G. Vergniory, and Daniel P. Shoemaker
Quasi-One-Dimensional Transition-Metal Chalcogenide Semiconductor (Nb4Se15I2)I2,
Inorg. Chem. 62, 3067–3074 (2023). - P1Xinwei Li, Junichiro Kono, Qimiao Si, and Silke Paschen
Is the optical conductivity of heavy fermion strange metals Planckian?,
Front. Electron. Mater. 2, 934691 (2023). - P4Nerea Ontoso, C.K. Safeer, Franz Herling, Josep Ingla-Aynés, Haozhe Yang, Zhendong Chi, Iñigo Robredo, Maia G. Vergniory, Fernando de Juan, M. Reyes Calvo, Luis E. Hueso, and Fèlix Casanova
Unconventional Charge-to-Spin Conversions in Graphene/MoTe2 van der Waals Heterostructures,
Phys. Rev. Applied 19, 014053 (2023). - P3, P5Domenico Di Sante, Bongjae Kim, Werner Hanke, Tim Wehling, Cesare Franchini, Ronny Thomale, and Giorgio Sangiovanni
Electronic correlations and universal long-range scaling in kagome metals,
Phys. Rev. Research 5, L012008 (2023).Data and code availability
See publication notification for DFT + cRPA calculations.
see publication notification
- P8Simon Michel and Michael Potthoff
Spin Berry curvature of the Haldane model,
Phys. Rev. B 106, 235423 (2022).Data and code availability
Data availability:The data are available on reasonable request by the corresponding authors.see publication notification
- P3, P4Mao Lin, Iñigo Robredo, Niels B. M. Schröter, Claudia Felser, Maia G. Vergniory, and Barry Bradlyn
Spin-momentum locking from topological quantum chemistry: applications to multifold fermions,
Phys. Rev. B 106, 245101 (2022). - P4Astrid T. Rømer, Shinibali Bhattacharyya, Roser Valentí, Morten H. Christensen, and Brian M. Andersen
Superconductivity from repulsive interactions on the kagome lattice,
Phys. Rev. B 106, 174514 (2022).Data and code availability
Data availability:QUAST-funded authors were not directly involved in creating or storing data.
- P5Markus Wallerberger, Samuel Badr, Shintaro Hoshino, Sebastian Huber, Fumiya Kakizawa, Takashi Koretsune, Yuki Nagai, Kosuke Nogaki, Takuya Nomoto, Hitoshi Mori, Junya Otsuki, Soshun Ozaki, Thomas Plaikner, Rihito Sakurai, Constanze Vogel, Niklas Witt, Kazuyoshi Yoshimi, and Hiroshi Shinaoka
sparse-ir: optimal compression and sparse sampling of many-body propagators,
SoftwareX 21, (2022): 101266.Data and code availability
Data availability:All data and code shown in the publication are available in and
- P1, P5Andreas Hausoel, Markus Wallerberger, Josef Kaufmann, Karsten Held, and Giorgio Sangiovanni
Aberration of the Green's function estimator in hybridization expansion continuous-time quantum Monte Carlo,
arXiv preprint: 2211.06266 (2022). - P8Julian Stobbe and Georg Rohringer
Consistency of potential energy in the dynamical vertex approximation,
Phys. Rev. B 106, 205101 (2022). - P3Haoxiang Li, G. Fabbris, A. H. Said, J. P. Sun, Yu-Xiao Jiang, J.-X. Yin, Yun-Yi Pai, Sangmoon Yoon, Andrew R. Lupini, C. S. Nelson, Q. W. Yin, C. S. Gong, Z. J. Tu, H. C. Lei, J.-G. Cheng, M. Z. Hasan, Ziqiang Wang, Binghai Yan, Ronny Thomale, H. N. Lee, and H. Miao
Discovery of conjoined charge density waves in the kagome superconductor CsV3Sb5,
Nat. Commun. 13, 1-7 (2022).Data and code availability
Data availability:QUAST-funded authors were not directly involved in creating or storing data.
- P3, P4Tirthankar Chakraborty, Kartik Samanta, Satya N. Guin, Jonathan Noky, Iñigo Robredo, Suchitra Prasad, Juergen Kuebler, Chandra Shekhar, Maia G. Vergniory, and Claudia Felser
Berry curvature induced anomalous Hall conductivity in magnetic topological oxide double perovskite Sr2FeMoO6,
Phys. Rev. B 106, 155141 (2022). - P1M. C. Rahn, K. Kummer, A. Hariki, K.-H. Ahn, Jan Kuneš, A. Amorese, J. D. Denlinger, D.-H. Lu, M. Hashimoto, E. Rienks, M. Valvidares, F. Haslbeck, D. D. Byler, K. J. McClellan, E. D. Bauer, J. X. Zhu, C. H. Booth, A. D. Christianson, J. M. Lawrence, F. Ronning, and M. Janoschek
Kondo quasiparticle dynamics observed by resonant inelastic x-ray scattering,
Nat. Commun. 13, 6129 (2022).Data and code availability
Data availability:QUAST-funded authors were not directly involved in creating or storing data.
- P3, P4Chunyu Guo, Carsten Putzke, Sofia Konyzheva, Xiangwei Huang, Martin Gutierrez-Amigo, Ion Errea, Dong Chen, Maia G. Vergniory, Claudia Felser, Mark H. Fischer, Titus Neupert, and Philip J. W. Moll
Switchable chiral transport in charge-ordered kagome metal CsV3Sb5,
Nature 611, 461-466 (2022).Data and code availability
Data availability:QUAST-funded authors were not directly involved in creating or storing data.
- P8Michael Potthoff
"Dynamical Mean-Field Theory for Correlated Topological Phases." In Dynamical Mean-Field Theory of Correlated Electrons,
Lecture Notes of the Autumn School on Correlated Electrons 2022 (2022).Data and code availability
Data availability:Review, for original data please refer to the cited publications.
- P1Karsten Held
"Beyond DMFT: Spin Fluctuations, Pseudogaps and Superconductivity." In Dynamical Mean-Field Theory of Correlated Electrons,
Lecture Notes of the Autumn School on Correlated Electrons 2022 (2022).Data and code availability
Data availability:Review, for original data please refer to the cited publications.
- P1Sami Dzsaber, Diego A. Zocco, Alix McCollam, Franziska Weickert, Ross McDonald, Mathieu Taupin, Gaku Eguchi, Xinlin Yan, Andrey Prokofiev, Lucas M. K. Tang, Bryan Vlaar, Laurel E. Winter, Marcelo Jaime, Qimiao Si, and Silke Paschen
Control of electronic topology in a strongly correlated electron system,
Nat. Commun. 13, 1-7 (2022). - P8Nicolas Lenzing, Alexander I. Lichtenstein, and Michael Potthoff
Emergent non-Abelian gauge theory in coupled spin-electron dynamics,
Phys. Rev. B 106, 094433 (2022).Data and code availability
Data availability:The data are available on reasonable request by the corresponding authors.see publication notification
- P6Florian Kühne, Yasin Beyazit, Björn Sothmann, J. Jayabalan, Detlef Diesing, Ping Zhou, and Uwe Bovensiepen
Ultrafast transport and energy relaxation of hot electrons in Au/Fe/MgO(001) heterostructures analyzed by linear time-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy,
Phys. Rev. Research 4, 033239 (2022).Data and code availability
Data availability:The data are available on reasonable request by the corresponding authors.see publication notification
- P4Axel Fünfhaus, Thilo Kopp, and Elias Lettl
Winding vectors of topological defects: Multiband Chern numbers,
J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 55, 405202 (2022).Data and code availability
Data availability:Work is purely analytic. Figures are visualizations of analytic expressions given in the paper.
- P1Haoyu Hu, Lei Chen, Chandan Setty, Sarah E. Grefe, Andrey Prokofiev, Stefan Kirchner, Silke Paschen, Jennifer Cano, and Qimiao Si
Topological semimetals without quasiparticles,
arXiv preprint: 2110.06182 (2022). - P8Matteo Vandelli, Josef Kaufmann, Mohammed El-Nabulsi, Viktor Harkov, Alexander I. Lichtenstein, and Evgeny A. Stepanov
Multi-band D-TRILEX approach to materials with strong electronic correlations,
SciPost Phys. 13, 036 (2022). - P3, P4Xiangwei Huang, Chunyu Guo, Carsten Putzke, Martin Gutierrez-Amigo, Yan Sun, Maia G. Vergniory, Ion Errea, Dong Chen, Claudia Felser, and Philip J. W. Moll
Three-dimensional Fermi surfaces from charge order in layered CsV3Sb5,
Phys. Rev. B 106, 064510 (2022). - P3, P4Subhajit Roychowdhury, Andrew M. Ochs, Satya N. Guin, Kartik Samanta, Jonathan Noky, Chandra Shekhar, Maia G. Vergniory, Joshua E. Goldberger, and Claudia Felser
Large Room Temperature Anomalous Transverse Thermoelectric Effect in Kagome Antiferromagnet YMn6Sn6,
Advanced Materials 34, 2201350 (2022). - P1Xinyang Dong, Lorenzo Del Re, Alessandro Toschi, and Emanuel Gull
Mechanism of Superconductivity in the Hubbard Model at Intermediate Interaction Strength,
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119, e2205048119 (2022).Data and code availability
Data availability:The data are available on reasonable request by the corresponding authors.see publication notification
- P1F. Mazza, P. Y. Portnichenko, S. Avdoshenko, P. Steffens, M. Boehm, Eun Sang Choi, M. Nikolo, Xinlin Yan, Andrey Prokofiev, Silke Paschen, and D. S. Inosov
Cascade of magnetic-field-driven quantum phase transitions in Ce3Pd20Si6,
Phys. Rev. B 105, 174429 (2022). - P4Juyeon Won, Soyeun Kim, Martin Gutierrez-Amigo, Simon Bettler, Bumjoo Lee, Jaeseok Son, Tae Won Noh, Ion Errea, Maia G. Vergniory, Peter Abbamonte, Fahad Mahmood, and Daniel P. Shoemaker
Transport and optical properties of the chiral semiconductor Ag3AuSe2,
Zeitschrift für anorganische und allgemeine Chemie 648, e202200055 (2022). - P4Iñigo Robredo, Niels B. M. Schröter, A. Reyes-Serrato, A. Bergara, Fernando de Juan, Leslie M. Schoop, and Maia G. Vergniory
Theoretical study of topological properties of ferromagnetic pyrite CoS2,
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 55, 304004 (2022).Data and code availability
Data availability:The data are available on reasonable request by the corresponding authors.see publication notification
- P4Martin Rodriguez-Vega, Ze-Xun Lin, Aritz Leonardo, Arthur Ernst, Maia G. Vergniory, and Gregory A. Fiete
Light-Driven Topological and Magnetic Phase Transitions in Thin Layer Antiferromagnets,
J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 13, 4152-4158 (2022). - P3, P5Armando Consiglio, Tilman Schwemmer, Xianxin Wu, Werner Hanke, Titus Neupert, Ronny Thomale, Giorgio Sangiovanni, and Domenico Di Sante
Van Hove tuning of AV3Sb5 kagome metals under pressure and strain,
Phys. Rev. B 105, 165146 (2022).Data and code availability
See publication notification for various input data, electronic band structures and energy profile as a function of pressure.
see publication notification
- P4Thomas Mertz, Paul Wunderlich, Shinibali Bhattacharyya, Francesco Ferrari, and Roser Valentí
Statistical learning of engineered topological phases in the kagome superlattice of AV3Sb5,
npj Computational Materials 8, 66 (2022).Data and code availability
Data availability:The data are available on reasonable request by the corresponding authors.see publication notification
- P6Jiyu Chen, Francesco Petocchi, and Philipp Werner
Causal versus local GW+EDMFT scheme and application to the triangular-lattice extended Hubbard model,
Phys. Rev. B 105, 085102 (2022).Data and code availability
Data availability:The data are available on reasonable request by the corresponding authors.see publication notification
- P1, P4Lei Chen, Chandan Setty, Haoyu Hu, Maia G. Vergniory, Sarah E. Grefe, Lukas Fischer, Xinlin Yan, Gaku Eguchi, Andrey Prokofiev, Silke Paschen, Jennifer Cano, and Qimiao Si
Topological semimetal driven by strong correlations and crystalline symmetry,
Nat. Phys. 18, 1341-1346 (2022).