Upcoming Colloquia
Colloquia will be continued after the semester break.News & Announcements
QUAST will host the next international conference at the MPI-CPS in Dresden September 10 to September 12. Program
The next student-for-student retreat will take in Dresden September 06 to September 09. Contact
The first international workshop with the CCQ will be held at the Flatiron institute, February 28 to March 01, 2024. Program
Topological quantum phenomena and breakthroughs in time-resolved spectroscopy pose a new challenge for many-body theory: Spatio-temporal electronic correlations often strongly impact topological and dynamical material properties but at the same time hinder an unambiguous interpretation of experiments, let alone a reliable quantitative prediction of material properties.
The research unit QUAST (QUAntitative Spatio-Temporal model-building for correlated electronic matter) aims at addressing this challenge by a coordinated effort in theoretical method development and concerted experiments: Our central goal is to develop an electronic structure theory accounting for spatio-temporal electronic correlations to ultimately explain and quantitatively model topological and dynamical phenomena in correlated materials.